This week I have gathered some of my personal knowledge on digital repeaters in order to create a project proposal for a digital multimode amateur radio repeater.
I have been involved in amateur or ham radio for about nine years now. In the most recent 4 or 5 years, I’ve been working on DSTAR repeaters and now it’s time to branch out to DMR repeaters as well. Amateur radio is a two way radio service that allows other amateur radio operators to communicate with one another using various modes including: Morse Code, voice, text messaging, email, images, television (SSTV), and other digital modes like DSTAR, DMR, Yaesu System Fusion, P25, etc.
I also created this website and got SSL installed on the server. I put together a portfolio of some of the websites I have built in the past and will work on a Gantt Chart and resume next week.
For my capstone I’d like to build a multimode digital repeater that will operate with at least two modes, probably DSTAR and DMR. I’m much less familiar with DMR, than I am with DSTAR.