Last week, I had three problems, two of which I couldn’t fix.
Problems & Solutions
Problem 1 was solved by recompiling the Nextion Driver and reinstalling it by hand.
Problem 2 was that the repeater wasn’t starting up as quickly as it does at home. I thought this was caused by the enterprise WiFi at my university. I’m fairly certain that was the problem. This issue seems to sort itself out, if you’re patient. I’m certain the issue is due to the time it takes the Pi to authenticate with the enterprise WiFi. I did add a button to restart the WiFi from the Nextion display. It is two simple commands.
I added a button to the display’s “System” or utilities screen and made it execute the following commands.
sudo ifdown wlan0 && sudo ifup wlan0
Basically this turns off the wlan0 interface and turns it back on.
Problem 3 was that I couldn’t always access the PiStar dashboard over the WiFi. That problem wasn’t really a problem. Again it had to do with the time the Pi takes to authenticate with the WiFi. I found that if I wait about a minute or two after the display shows the IP address, then go to the displayed IP address in a web browser, the PiStar dashboard appears as it should.
As for the issue with the self-assigned IP address over the ethernet connection, it doesn’t appear to matter. The two devices will communicate with one another given enough time.
A problem I ran into this week was that the repeater board doesn’t always initialize and connect to the software on the raspberry Pi, this is fixed by stopping and starting the mmdvmhost service, which can be done from the Nextion display.
Enable & configure dmr
The first thing I did was enable DMR and I did this from the expert settings for MMDVMHost instead of the main configuration tab. The reason for this is that when you configure from the main tab and click apply changes, you can lose settings you set in the expert MMDVMHost page.
- Navigate to the expert editor for MMDVMHost.
- Scroll down to DMR.
- Your settings should look like this:

- What do those settings mean?
Enable – On (1) or Off (0)
Beacon – Turn on (1) or off (0) beacon or a transmission that happens every so many minutes/hours to tell others your repeater exists.
ColorCode – A number for your repeater, typically 1, but may be different. A radio set to a color code of 1 cannot talk to a station with their color code set to 2.
SelfOnly – Limit DMR communication to your own callsign only (a Private hotspot)
DumpTAData – (1) – Talker Alias data (person’s name/location/callsign) are dropped (0) – Talker Alias data (person’s name/location/callsign) are sent to the RF stations. This can cause issues with some radios, but I set mine to off (0).
ModeHang – The number of seconds the repeater should stay listening for DMR over RF after the end of a transmission.
- Next scroll down to the DMR Network section of MMDVMHost.

- What do these settings mean/do?
Enable – Turns on the DMR network/gateway to the internet.
Address – The IP Address of the Master Server you’re using. I used Brandmeister 3108 and found its IP address on the Brandmeister website under “Masters.” I believe this is only visible after you’ve logged in with your callsign and Brandmeister password.
Port – This is the port on the server you’re connecting too. Leave this as the default.
Password – The password to the Master Server. The default for most Masters is “passw0rd”. That’s a zero in place of the letter “o”.
Slot1 – This turns on or off slot 1. DMR transmissions are sent in one of two “Time Slots.” Repeaters can receive and carry on two completely separate conversations with one on each time slot.
Slot2 – This turns on or off time slot 2.
ModeHang – This is the number of seconds the repeater should remain in DMR mode after the end of a network transmission.
- Click “Apply Changes”
Add Brandmeister panel
- Next I added the Brandmeister control panel to the repeater’s admin dashboard. I followed these instructions.
- This is what the Admin Dashboard looks like after adding the Brandmeister control panel. This screenshot was taken before I changed to the US Brandmeister 3108 Server which is why it says “BM United Kingdom” as the DMR Master.